Saturday | May 30th 2009 Hunter College, 68th St and Lexington Ave | North Building 9am–6pm
Co-Sponsored by the Film and Media Department at Hunter College, CUNY
The enthusiasm that mobilized the public for the historic 2008 election campaign ignited the hopeful hearts of a country at a crossroads. As a powerful spark of grassroots organizing swept through the country, the world witnessed our nation wield unprecedented power by voting for large scale social change. This momentum offers our communities an unprecedented opportunity to act as critical agents in charting the road forward. But even as we celebrate this victory, uncertainty looms ahead. Many of us have lost our jobs, our insurance, and our economic stability; many of our independent media producers and social justice organizations face diminished financial support and increasing barriers. In these challenging times, how can we build a stronger media network that ensures the visibility of our communities’ voices, images and stories?
In this moment of great opportunity and great challenge, the NYC Grassroots Media community asks: What role can the media play as a catalyst for social justice? How can we use the media tools at our disposal to turn HOPE for social justice into ACTION in our communities? Please join us at the 6th annual NYC Grassroots Media Conference as we strategize how to build a media that inherently values every human story – a media that addresses and exposes injustice in all forms, responds to economic turmoil, showcases our creativity, represents our communities and cultures, and affirms the myriad ways in which these goals can be achieved.
For more information please call 347-706-2489 or email