We are pleased to announce EVC documentary Growing Apart: The Politics of Family Separation has been accepted into the Greenwich Village Film Festival!
The Greenwich Village Film Festival celebrates the artistic expression of aspiring and independent artists in “one of the most photogenic neighborhoods of New York City.”
Join us at the Short Documentary screening, October 28th 6pm at The Players Theatre (115 Macdougal St, New York, NY 10012). Tickets could be purchased through this link: https://web.ovationtix.com/trs/pr/952309
In Growing Apart, EVC youth producers report on the psychological impact that their parents’ deportation, incarceration, and substance abuse have on the separation of families. Growing Apart has been featured in the BlackStar Film Festival, the Tower of Youth’s 19th Annual North American All Youth Film & Education Day, and the upcoming International Family Film Festival. Check out the trailer below: