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Happy Holidays From EVC

Updated: Dec 23, 2021

Dear Friends,

Here’s what US Senator Gillibrand had to say in her welcome remarks at EVC’s annual benefit screening at the Film Society of Lincoln Center. “From direct work with students, to media arts initiatives in schools, EVC has become an internationally acclaimed leader in youth media.”

And here’s what Host of Inside Story Ray Suarez said in his nationally broadcast coverage of the screening for Al Jazeera America: “My special thanks to a great organization, the Educational Video Center, which uses the arts to help troubled teens find their way.”

EVC has not only been transformative for our youth producers, but also for the thousands of viewers locally and globally who have been moved by our students’ films at festivals, conferences, schools, libraries and on television. They have even been screened in major international exhibitions at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin and the Museo Reina Sofia in Madrid.

Through our Professional Development Program, we have brought EVC’s model of media arts education to hundreds of students in schools and in after-school programs for middle school students and justice-involved youth. We piloted our newYouth and Community Voices professional development initiative for teachers in collaboration with NYU partner schools. Our students’ New Media Arts interactive web project “Bridging the Gap: Community and Police Justice” won the “Social Impact Award” at the Emoti-con Youth Digital and Technology Challenge.

We are grateful for the support of the Judy Doctoroff fellowships, which gave EVC students paid internships at Bloomberg News and Union Editorial. This year, we launched an oral history project recording the stories of EVC graduates who have gone on to successful careers in media, education, the arts, and more in partnership with Teachers College MASClab, and you can click here to watch some of them.

Judy Doctoroff Fellows and Interns Aysha Memeti at Union Editorial and Billy Marte at Bloomberg News

Finally, we cut the ribbon on our new state-of-the-art digital media lab and library with our partners at City-As-School, made possible with capital support from Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer, Comptroller Scott Stringer, NYC Council Member Corey Johnson, and the Hyde and Watson Foundation. They’ve generously invested in the future of EVC and the students we serve. With less than two weeks left in 2015, we hope you’ll add to that investment and make your secure tax-deductible contribution today.

Help us meet our $6,000 year-end appeal goal. Every dollar matters. Please click here.

Thank you for being among the inspired and supporting EVC, so that in 2016 our youth will keep changing the world – one documentary at a time.

With gratitude and warm wishes for the holidays,

Steve Goodman Executive Director


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